Gentrification and Community Development: An analysis of the main lines of research




Gentrification, Community Development, Bibliometric Analysis, Social Equity, Urban Renewal


This article examines the relationship between gentrification and community development through a mixed approach that combines bibliometric analysis and qualitative thematic analysis. Using the Scopus database, the evolution of academic literature on gentrification over the past decade is analyzed, identifying the main trends and emerging themes in this field. The study not only quantifies academic production but also explores in-depth narratives and key approaches that have emerged in research on how gentrification impacts community development. Through thematic analysis, the challenges and opportunities present in these processes are identified, emphasizing the importance of urban policies that promote social equity and sustainable development. The methodology used provides a comprehensive view of the current state of research and lays a solid foundation for future research and policy formulation that address the effects of gentrification inclusively


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How to Cite

Gaviria Alvarado MA. Gentrification and Community Development: An analysis of the main lines of research. Gentrification [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];1:2. Available from: