Community development promoted by policies: an analysis from the perspective of gentrification




gentrification, community development, public policies, urban revitalization, social equity


This article explores how public policies can promote community development in contexts of gentrification, focusing on the period 2018-2023. Through a scoping review methodology with a qualitative approach, emerging trends in academic literature on this topic were analyzed. The study identified key dynamics between urban revitalization policies and their impacts on local communities, highlighting both the advantages and disadvantages of these processes. The limitations of community development when resident participation and social equity are not adequately considered, as well as the opportunities that arise from implementing inclusive and community-centered policies, were explored. This analysis is critical to designing more effective strategies that minimize the negative effects of gentrification, such as the displacement of low-income residents, and that promote sustainable and equitable urban development


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How to Cite

Tovar Cardozo G. Community development promoted by policies: an analysis from the perspective of gentrification. Gentrification [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];1:3. Available from: