The impact of gentrification policies on urban development




gentrification, urban development, public policies, social equity, community displacement


This article explores the impact of gentrification policies on urban development during the period 2013-2023. A mixed documentary review methodology is used that combines bibliometric analysis with qualitative analysis. The study examines how urban policies aimed at revitalizing disadvantaged areas affect various aspects of urban development, in addition to social equity, community cohesion and sustainability. Over the past decade, gentrification has been both a catalyst for infrastructural improvements and a source of displacement and social reconfiguration, especially in Latin American contexts. This analysis provides a comprehensive view of emerging dynamics in the gentrification literature, highlighting the need for public policies that promote inclusive and equitable urban development. The research focuses on identifying best practices and challenges associated with the implementation of these policies, offering key recommendations to mitigate the negative impacts of gentrification and foster sustainable urban growth


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How to Cite

Pérez León M. The impact of gentrification policies on urban development. Gentrification [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];1:4. Available from: