Gentrified Humanities? An analysis of the main trends in the Scopus database




Cultural impact, Community displacement, Urban transformation, Identity and gentrification, Socioeconomic dynamics


The present bibliometric study examines the evolution and impact of gentrification within the humanities field. Using the Scopus and Lens databases, and through the VOSviewer software, documents, citations, areas and types of publication, keyword co-occurrence, and geographical distribution related to gentrification were analyzed. The results indicate a predominant concentration of research in Europe and North America, highlighting the need to geographically diversify the academic focus. Furthermore, an increasing thematic diversity and an interdisciplinary approach in the studies were observed, expanding the understanding of the phenomenon beyond its economic and social impacts to include cultural and identity aspects. The study also identified key works that have significantly shaped the academic discourse on gentrification in the humanities, highlighting established and emerging areas of study. These findings emphasize the importance of expanding bibliometric research to address gaps and foster a more complete understanding of the impact of gentrification.
Keywords: Cultural impact, Community displacement, Urban transformation, Identity and gentrification, Socioeconomic dynamics


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How to Cite

Jiménez Zapata R. Gentrified Humanities? An analysis of the main trends in the Scopus database. Gentrification [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:53. Available from: