Gentrification as a field of study in environmental sciences




green gentrification, climate change, environmental justice, public policies, Colombia


This article examines the interaction between gentrification and environmental sciences in Colombia, using a hermeneutic desk review approach to unravel how this urban phenomenon influences and is influenced by environmental factors. Through the hermeneutic circle method, adapted for a single researcher, a deep understanding of the existing literature is achieved and main lines of research are identified. Areas explored include green gentrification, climate change impacts, health and well-being effects, environmental justice, and associated public policies. The study highlights the need for policies that balance environmental improvement with social protection, and underlines the importance of including local communities in urban planning processes to prevent displacement and increase social equity. This interdisciplinary approach provides valuable insights to understand the complexity of gentrification and its multiple dimensions in an urban and environmental context


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How to Cite

Rosas-Patiño G. Gentrification as a field of study in environmental sciences. Gentrification [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:55. Available from: